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Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse with Intestinal Detox Look & Feel Younger in 14 Days!

Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse with Intestinal Detox Look & Feel Younger in 14 Days!

Regular price $585.00 USD
Regular price $650.00 USD Sale price $585.00 USD
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14 Day LifeFood Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse PDF

Includes Everything You Need for a Successful Cleanse!
Start Your Cleanse with Confidence! Look 7 Years Younger in 14 Days!

Formulas included are: Evacueze, Digest Aid, Wildzymes, Life Colloid, Alpha, Omega & Bluemate
+ Includes Instructions.

Jubb's Longevity

Marine Minerals and Ez Tea are highly recommended!

Here are some additional formulas that you may like to add to your cleanse:

  • Blood & Lymph
  • Parasite Formula
  • LifeHydrate
  • Flora Grow

Control your weight and lower your stroke risk. Lose weight and feel lighter and healthier!

All of our herbal formulas are plant-based and organic, non-GMO, no dairy, no gluten, no wheat, no fillers. Pure, just as nature intended. And our glass amber jars are BPA-free and UV resistant.

All of the herbal formulas are very easy to take. Just put on a slice of your favorite fruit or vegetable or mix in 4 oz. of water or juice.

With this cleanse, you will take a 1/3 of a teaspoon of each formula twice a day for 14 days. You will have Lifefood during this time. You can spread the formulas out throughout the day and take several of them at the same time to use your time efficiently.

There are so many wonderful recipes that you can make at home, that are easy to make, in the Lifefood Recipe Book. You can make soups, juices, nut milks, salads, and smoothies. Try to stick with vegetarian food. These are all easy to make. If you have a blender, that would be great!

You will drink olive oil with lemon juice on the 4th, 8th, and 11th day of this cleanse and take Ez Formula afterwards (optional) 1/3 teaspoon in 4 oz of warm water or juice.

All the herbal formulas are grounded down to a fine powder for ease of use.

Evacueze, Digest Aid, Wildzymes, Alpha, Omega, Bluemate, Life Colloid.
+ Includes Instructions.

Jubb's Longevity

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Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Joe Dell
Make sure you have the EZ tea, it is a HUGE help

I have been a life fooder for 9 years now because of David. I went to the Jubb's longevity back when it was open and sat in for many a lecture. I spoke to many people at the store who were under his care. I remember one in particular. She was an older lady. She told me how she has stage 4 cancer. They gave her a short time to live and was turned onto Dr. Jubb where she did the 14 day flush along with other formulas and told me that the cancer was gone.
Well, I had my neck broke 3 years ago and was loaded with antibiotics and other poisons from the medical world. I am on the brink of finishing the 14 day cleans and I feel amazing! I passed around 150 gallstones along with cleansing my digestive track. I noticed I passed a tape worm as well. This was an added bonus thanks to the parasite formula.
Make sure you have the EZ tea, it is a HUGE help when it comes to the days 4, 8 & 11. It works miracles with the nausea.

stu z
It served me well as an "intestinal reboot"

I recently completed my first 14 Day Intestinal Cleanse/Detox. Although I did not appear to expel any stones, it served me well as an "intestinal reboot" and to create the will and intention to continue with a Lifefood-centered diet. Doing the fast/feast at the turning of the seasons seemed quite appropriate.

The herbal formulas, while relatively pricey, are of the highest quality. The expertise of Dr Jubb who formulates and backs them up is immense and possibly unique in the world. Linda's patience and guidance throughout the process is greatly appreciated.

I would also recommend obtaining Dr Jubb's books which provide a deeper understanding of the process and the theories which support it all. While there are a myriad of "health gurus" out and about Dr David Jubb is, in my opinion, the finest on the planet at this time. He has also paid a price for this depth and uncompromising integrity and deserves the support of all those who value his expertise

David W
I am 48 years old and i have the energy of an 18 year old.

This is really a great cleanse to do to reset everything . I just completed the 14 day cleanse and feel light , high energy and clear headed . I would recommend this to anyone who wants to simply feel better. I am 48 years old and i have the energy of an 18 year old. Ive been sleeping better than i have in years too. Linda was there every step of the way to answer question if needed.
Another big benefit to this cleanse , is that it reset my diet . Consuming recipes out of the lifefood book for 2 weeks was just great!!

I felt lighter in spirit and my body feels more in tune

Doing the 14 day cleanse with gall bladder and liver flushes was an intense experience for me. I took this time totally for myself and really focused my life and my attention on the cleanse. As I moved through each day, the routine got easier and a rhythm evolved. I did much better with the liver flushes this time (I have done this cleanse in the past but several years ago.) and it felt so good to let go of old sludge that was clogging my body, my organs and my psyche. When I completed the 14 days I felt lighter in spirit and my body feels more in tune and sensual or maybe sensitized is more accurate. My intention was to tune up my organs and to help the plaque that has built up in my arteries melt away. I believe that both of my aspirations have been fulfilled. I am grateful. I also had blood work before and after this cleanse, and my cholesterol dropped from 259 to 215.

Bill Godwin
I am definitely going to do this again!

I researched 30 plus hours to make sure this was going to be for me. The more I looked the more sense it made, It was much easier to do than I thought up front and Linda was there for me all the way helping me with any issue that came up. The directions were easy to follow and complete. It was a smooth and enjoyable process. There were a couple days when what came out lets you know how important this work is! Those days you know you have invested wisely! I don't have the words to explain how amazing I feel; everything just works a lot better, "energized." I have read through 2 of Dr Jubb's books, its nice to hear the truth for a change :-)
I am definitely going to do this again next summer. NAMASTE